Termite Inspection Services
The Eastern subterranean termite is a serious economic timber pest causing millions of dollars of damage throughout the areas where it is located. It is estimated that more than 1 in 5 homes in the moderate and heavy activity areas, have been or will be attacked at sometime by these voracious little insects. Approximately $750 Million in property is destroyed annually by termites. That's over 2 million homes nationwide.

Termites primarily feed on cellulose which is found in wood, paper, books, insulation, and even swimming pool liners and filtration systems. They can injure living trees and shrubs, but more often are a secondary invader of woody plants already in decline. While buildings may become infested at any time, termites are of particular importance when buying or selling a home since a termite inspection/infestation report is normally a condition of sale. Besides the monetary impact, thousands of winged termites emerging inside one's home are an emotionally trying experience, not to mention the thought of termites silently feasting on one's largest investment.
Unfortunately, they can't tell the difference between a dead tree and your house. If they come across your home's foundation while foraging, they'll follow any cracks or crevices into your home. They may even enter through wood in contact with the soil or by building pencil-sized mud tunnels from ground levels to where the house's wood frame begins.
As a protective measure, banks and lending institutions require that homes be inspected for damage from termites or other wood-destroying insects before closing the sale of the home. A Wood-Destroying Insect Inspection Report (WDIIR) is a document prepared by a licensed pest control business, like ourselves, that informs the lending institution and buyer about termite damage or presence.
In generating a written WDIIR, we will look for wood destroying insects that are present in the structure, evidence of prior infestation, and the presence of any visible damage to the structure caused by wood destroying insects. These reports can be presented at the time of the inspection or delivered to designated recipient.
Please note: The insects being observed are termites, carpenter ants, carpenter bees, and powder post beetles.